Astral Skin World

Dermatology Services

Our Services

What Dermatology Service We Offer

Hair loss, acne, warts and Psoriasis can make us all feel uncomfortable in our own skin. Our dermatology practice is committed to getting you comfortable in your own skin again. We will treat your skin allergies, fungal infections, warts, hair loss, acne and Psoriasis, leaving you with a new outlook on both the inside and the outside.

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Meso therapy

A gentle, preventative and refreshing therapy that works from within the skin Classic mesotherapy is...



People over the age of 35 often look forward to different skin rejuvenation options, especially when...


Mole/Wart Removal

Moles and or warts can sometimes be quite unsettling. Most of those with warts or moles are born wit...


TCA Peel

The skin loses its glow over a period of time due to damage caused by collagen destruction and an ex...ctetur


Vitiligo Surgery

What is the treatment? Vitiligo is a dermatological condition that is characterized by white patches...


Scar Removal

Scars can be a result of multiple reasons, including surgery, injury, acne, skin grafting or a traum...


Psoriasis Treatment

Psoriasis is non-contagious but can be a life-long skin disease that appears on the skin as little red patches...


Fungal Infection

Fungal infection can be quite unsettling as it presents itself in many conditions. Those suffering from the condition...


Acne Scar Removal

Acne can leave ghastly marks on the skin and destroy the smooth desired look. These pigmentation marks...


Cyst Removal

Lipomas and cysts are common, typically benign, collections of cells that can be treated or removed...


Ear Lobe Repair

Earlobe repair or rejuvenation can be a simple but very rewarding procedure. Some of the conditions we treat...


Ingrown Nail Surgery

An ingrown toenail occurs when the top corner or side of your toenail grows into the flesh next to it...


Dermal Fillers

A beautiful and youthful face is very appealing, and as much as it pleases the onlooker, it plays a vital role...


Botox Treatment

More and more people are turning to cosmetic doctors for rejuvenation techniques to help their face...


Stretchmark Removal

The stretch marks are simply blemish lines occurring on your skin surface due...


Laser Skin Resurfacing

Wrinkled and scarred skin is something that no one wants to ever have...


Laser Peel

Appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on facial skin is inevitable, especially for those who do not follow...


Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal is a fairly new concept for many Indians, even though the procedure has been around...

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Fat Reduction

When you look in the mirror, you obviously like to see a well toned body and a slim, healthy figure...


Tattoo Removal

People wear tattoos for different reasons and all along most people have been made to believe...